Distance of Maa Sharda temple from Maihar railway station is aprox 5 K.M. There is Auto riksha facility available from railway station to Maihar temple. Mandir samiti bus is also available for transportation, and fare is only Rs. 10/- per person from railway station to temple.
Maihar city is known for the Maa Sharda devi temple(around of 502 A.D.), set at the highest of Trikoota hill that is around five kilometre from the railway station. There are 1063 steps to reach the top of the hill, currently ropeway facility is also available there.
Maa Sharda temple is Aprox 5 K.M. from Maihar Staion.
Maa Sharda Temple timing is 5 AM to 8 PM
Auto Riksha & Samiti Bus available from staion to temple.
Mandir samiti bus fare is Rs 10/person.